Triumph service information for the Stag

This section contains:
The Repair Manuals
The Handbooks
Additional Wiring Diagrams

Repair Operation Manual 545161
545161 is dated May 1970 and is the manual issued in Britain. It is the most interesting of the two early manuals as it covers not just Stag but the Toledo and the Triumph 1500 as well. If you follow the history of Triumph car development, you will know that Stag was released to the press (and later to the public) at the same time as the Toledo and the 1500 and hence the manual covers all three of the new models. It runs to just over 200 pages, of which Stag occupies 142 of them, and has a brown card cover and white plastic slip binder. Within the binder the pages are stapled through with two heavy duty staples. The print run is shown as 5,000.

It follows the format of all works issued manuals but, to save having to prepare a full manual before launch, reference is made to other models of Triumph when components are similar. For instance the Stag section refers the reader to the Triumph 2000 workshop manual for further detail of the clutch, gearboxes, overdrive, prop shaft and rear axle and to the owners handbook for details of the lubricants, maintenance, heating & ventilating and instruments. This is an interesting historical document but not recommended for use by current owners as it is incomplete without the Triumph 2000 manual.

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Repair Operation Manual 545161 – May 1970 – Stag

Repair Operation Manual 545161 – May 1970 – Toledo

Repair Operation Manual 545161 – May 1970 – Triumph 1500

Repair Operation Manual 545160 – June 1970

545160 is the original manual prepared for the USA and is dated June 1970. The print run is shown as 2,500. This manual concentrates on Stag as the Toledo and 1500 were never intended to be sold into the USA. It follows the Stag section of the previous manual but includes an additional 6-page section on Emission Control which covers the different fuel delivery and evaporation control systems fitted to all North American market cars. Like 545161 it refers to the Triumph 2000 manual for details of the clutch, gearboxes, overdrive, prop shaft and rear axle – which is strange as the 2000 was not sold in the States after 1969 and there would not have been a proliferation of workshop manuals for that vehicle laying around in American dealer workshops as very few 2000s were ever sold there.
It is also a strange manual to produce at that time as the press launch of Stag in the States was not held until March 1971. Stag was not marketed across the Atlantic until 1971 but perhaps the preparation of the US manual in June 1970 indicates the initial ideas about getting Stag into America quickly but that is another story!

Repair Operation Manual 545160 – June 1970

Repair Operation Manual 545162 – March 1971
Repair Operation Manual 545162 – March 1973

This was issued by the Service Division, Triumph Motors, British Leyland UK Limited, the first issue being copyrighted in 1970 (see page 2 of the manual), the print date (shown on the page immediately before the appendices) is shown as March 1971 and the print run was 3,000. This is the main workshop manual issued to all Triumph dealers and was issued in a loose leaf form so that new pages could be added or new issues of pages could replace the original pages in the manual when superseded. It is normally found in an orange/ brown, plastic covered ring binder with 4 rings. If you have an early car, then this is the manual to seek out and hold dear, displaying it in the boot of your car with the tool bag when at shows – but please alarm it so that it doesn’t get nicked! If you are looking for originality, check out the issue numbers on the pages as they all should be marked as ‘issue 1’ at the bottom of the page. 

As far as I am aware, there is not a USA equivalent and this manual was also issued to dealers in the States. I am not aware of any replacement pages or sections being issued for the manual copyrighted in 1970 but there was a ‘second issue’ in 1973 which contained approximately 100 amendments. This was also issued in the orange/brown loose leaf 4-ring binder and is copyrighted in 1973, the only other date being the date of the amendments which is February 1973. This obviously covers the (relatively minor) changes made to the car for the 1973 model year. In none of the copies that I have access to is there a print page with the name of the printers, the date and the print run as there is for the previous manuals. This manual is identified from the first edition above by the copyright date on page 2 and the inclusion of a list of amended pages which forms pages 7 & 8. The individual pages are marked with the page issue number – most of which are still ‘issue 1’ but now there are ‘issue 2’ inserts.

Be careful when trying to identify this version of the manual as there were later amendments and, although the copyright date stayed the same the amendments pages were added to and further ‘issue 2’ pages and even ‘issue 3’ pages were added. I have a copy here which shows amendments being made in 8/73, 02/74 and 11/74. This manual has a part number of 545162/E2. If anyone has different versions of this manual with different amendment dates and a different part number suffix, please let me know so that it can be logged for completeness.

Repair Operation Manual 545162 – March 1971

Repair Operation Manual 545162 – March 1973

Repair Operation Manual AKM 3966 – 1977

This is the final version of the official workshop manual and will be the most recognisable to most of you. It was issued by Leyland cars – Service, Allesley, Coventry and is copyrighted by British Leyland UK Limited in 1977. This was released as a soft back, spine bound book in a white cover with a green stripe down the right hand side. There have been a number of reprints of this version of the book, The Club has a rather rare brown, hard card bound copy which is an ex-public library book (and very nice it is too).
As a ‘final copy’ this should contain all the information about Stag but I am aware that some of the nuances between early and late cars has been lost. However, it is currently still available in reprinted form, available to buy (from Amazon and from the main Stag parts dealers) published by Brooklands Books and containing an extra paragraph explaining the current publishing arrangements on page 3 of the manual, and I am sure that it will not let you down if you need a new workshop manual for your Stag.


Here are the Repair Manuals from 1972 in French and Dutch versions

French Repair Operation Manual 545163 –  1972

Dutch Repair Operation Manual 545166 –  1972

The Handbooks

Handbook 545105 1st Edition April 1970

Handbook 545105 2nd Edition June 1970

Handbook 545105 3rd Edition November 1970

Handbook 545105 4th Edition September 1971

Handbook 545105 4th Edition November 1971 a

Handbook 545105 4th Edition January 1972

Handbook 545105 4th Edition January 1973

Handbook 545105 5th Edition August 1973

Handbook 545105 6th Edition November 1974

Handbook 545105 7th Edition February 1975

Handbook 545105 8th Edition 1975

Handbook 545106 1st Edition (USA)

Handbook 545107 8th Edition 1975 (French)

Handbook 545108 1st Edition (German)

Handbook Supplement 545105 S1

Handbook Supplement 545105 S2

Additional Wiring Diagrams

Wiring Diagram 545150 RHS Heater

Wiring Diagram 545150 RHS Heater 2nd Edition

Wiring Diagram 545151 LHS Heater

Wiring Diagram 545154 LHS A-C

Wiring Diagram 545155 USA A-C

Repair Times and Parts Catalogues

Repair Times Stag 1970

Repair Times Stag 1977

Parts Catalogue 519579 Graphic Catalogue (7-70)

Parts Catalogue 519579-A (May 1973)

Parts Catalogue 519579-B (April 1974)

Parts Catalogue 519579-C (October 1976)

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